Sunday, December 10, 2006



If you find a compact disk that has any cracks inside the middle you can teach your computer new tricks. If you have an old cd-rom and you were thinking about getting a new computer, why not have a little fun experimenting with the way the computer works. Take that old cd-rom and put it in the retracting tray and watch out. If you have a digital alarm clock that is set to your computers' time you may make an automated noise maker that will drive you or someone else crazy. First, make sure that the time on the digital alarm clock is set to the exact time as your computer to the second and has a flashing display. note: Plug in the digital clock right at 12:00 and you will automatically set it at 12:00 with the flashing display. The digital clock has to be on the same circuit breaker. Use a nearby plug for instance. Second, make sure your compact disk will interfere with the reading of the drive. Third, put the cd-rom in and listen while your computer chews up the compact disk. Your computer will see that there is a problem and try to fix it when the disk starts to disintegrate, find some way to automatically fix it, and that means the program flashing on the digital clock will immediately be used. It should reprogram your cd-rom to open and close it's door repeatedly. Remember, from the time you put the chewed up cd-rom into the drive and the time it takes to completely ruin the compact disk, your computer will have written updates for the program that is on the cd-rom. Then, when you have almost completely ruined the compact disk, start banging the computer and forcing the pieces of the compact disk out of the cd-rom. It is very easy to fix the problem afterwards because all you have to do is hold the door open when the computer tries to close it, or force the door closed when the computer tries to open it. It is always fun to retaliate against the same technology which has in some cases ruined your life, and you get a very nice update for your program too.

If you would like, make sure the program does not have a copyright when you transfer your old hard disk information to your new system, although you may be breaking the copyright if your update makes the program much better. Therefore, all of your hard work in destroying your computer may make you some money if the people who wrote the program don't mind your update. Best of luck in your programming updates.

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