Monday, October 01, 2007

What do you think happens when you bury a book and wait forty years to dig it up....

What do you think happens?

Does it:

a) Get eaten by worms?

b) Morphs into the story of the wildlife around it?

c) Change into a better story?

d) Turns into a new copy of the Bible?

Answer to the blog please in comment form....



The Sports Hernia said...

Barbaro eats it?

L. G. Trust said...

My tuchie is not sore from digging sir.


sunshinelollipopgeiger said...

My answer is b. It morphs into the story of the wildlife around it. Because the wlflife really is make of composted materials, and it is actually in a scence tunring into all of that which is around it.

sunshinelollipopgeiger said...
